Sunday, September 22, 2024

Crisis 2024. A short report.

Thanks to the cooperation of the HQ and TSoA Clubs, Crisis was resurrected; not in Antwerp but now in a new venue at Sint Niklaas and it must be said, a great day it was. 

It was nice to see again all those faces of well known wargamers but also new faces and as far as we know all had a great time. Of course it is a pity that due to British politics, British traders were missing but a lot of traders from mainland Europe were present.

There was of course one trader (although without its wel known trade) Barry Hilton who presented two 17th century games in one and received a well deserved a Best of Show trophy (left picture underneath ). Petra and Peter from Murphys Heroes got the prize for most innovative game (right picture).

We presented for the first time a game situated in the beginnings of the 80Years War with Pikemans Lament rules and 28mm miniatures (mostly by Tag). Some pictures underneath but it must be said that sometimes the sun peeking through orange painted windows gives a strange effect. 

Of course we quickly took pictures of some other games at Crisis (sorry, didn't get the names of the clubs). As we didn't have time to takes pictures of all other games, please go to for more pictures.

:It was a great show, so thanks for the organizing clubs HQ and TSoA and hopefully see you next year!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Scaleworld 2024 KMK Geel

On the 2nd of June 2024, Scaleworld, organised by the KMK group of Geel, Belgium was held. But of most importance for us was that for the first time a lot of wargamers were gathering there to have games and demos. The first wargames event we could visit for years! 
This wargames event was organised mostly by members of the Witte Ridder of Leopoldsburg, Belgium so a big thanks to them esp Patrick and Dominic (which we know for years already) but maybe more members of de Witte Ridders needs to be mentioned but sadly , and sorry for that, we don't know their names.

We love to chat to a lot of people (wargames and modellers), look at various presented games that were on and admire all efforts. And although there were ,in our humble opinion, some minuses regarding the location (celllar of the schollcomplex) and communication, we like to come back next year (hint, hint!).

To give some impression of the big modellers part of the show:

We had our French revolutionary game with us, so some pictures of our table:


And some pictures of other tables/demos etc. 

A great day, big thanks to the organisers and hopefully we will see each other at Crisis in September!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


The Alde Garde will be there with a French Revolution game. 
Also various other wargame clubs will be attending; as of course a lot of modellers.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

A French Revolutionary Balloon

Since we are playing the French revolutionary period, we though about adding a balloon to our French troops but someone, it never came to it.

UNTIL NOW: a balloon was made at last:

It wil get its wargames debut at Scaleworld 2024, a Modellers/Wargames show at KMK Geel, Belgium on the 2nd of June.
Hope to see you there!

More pictures how it was made are on the French Revolutionary site:

Friday, March 1, 2024

New Romans and other news


It seems quit at the Alde Garde but that's not quiet true although not very many things were published here at our blog. Sorry for that.

We are both started with Romans (for both of us a totally new era!) and it is not one but two periods. Peter wants to do the Early Imperial Roman period and Jan likes to portray the later period so we both are painting figures. The first figures by Peter are here:

On the left some Aventine legionares miniatures; on the right Black Tree auxiliary troops/
Jan is still painting his first unit of late Romans which will appear here in due time.

Also Peter has new Dutch and Spanish miniatures painted (of course from the great range of TAG) and pictures will appear here soon while Jan is expanding his French Revolutionary war armies.

We both are painting our 11th century units, just have to find the time to take pictures. 

We will come back with more pictures soon.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Ca-Ira live again

Somehow I missed my specific French Revolutionary blog Ca-ira.

So from january onwards it will revive; in fact some new content (or older pieces picked from this blog) are there.

Hope to see you there!

And of course: a happy new year for you and yours!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Visits to WW2 museum in the Netherlands (1)

Which wargamer hasn't heard about the Market Garden campaign in 1944 in the Netherlands? 

We think that, after maybe the miniatures of the Napoleonic guard grenadiers, miniatures of the red devils of the Arnhem Bridge fame are the most sold miniatures around the world; in every scale.

Two museums in the Netherland have market Garden as theme; the Airborne Museum at Hartenstein/Oosterbeek (with a smaller annex near the Arnhem Bridge) and the Vrijheidsmuseum (Freedom Museum) at Groesbeek. 

We visited both but the latter we combined with the autumn convention of the Nederlandse Stichting voor Modelfiguren.

Some pictures underneath; starting with the Airborne Museum.

And some pictures of the Groesbeek museum. 

The Groesbeek museum is much smaller and doesn't concentrate on the fighting of 1944 as much as the Airborne does.