As Jan had made an early medieval tower, it make sense to build further a motte and bailey although this last one couldn't be big as it should be fitted on our wargames table.
The total space should be max 60*90cm as we use 60*60cm sheets for the table so the castle would fit in.
So first some gluing of sheets (one 60*50cm and one 60*40cm), making a low motte and low wall for the bailey and then carve out the dry moats around both.
The motte received a palisade (Jans wife is now missing a lot of cocktail prickers (is the an English expression?).
As it is nice to have a gate on the motte which can be opened, this was handmaid with some balsa wood and two ex Northstar pikes trimmed so that it fitted between the balsa as doorposts.

And lastly as the bailey get no palisade but a simple wattle fence (to enhance the early medieval character) posts are glued to the bailey wall; on the picture are the first ones, the amount is now tripled.
Some bridges are built to cross the moats but again no sophisticated drawbridges; this is early stuff.
And the last step until now is gluing sand on all the terrain as base for painting.
Hope you enjoy!