Sunday, January 12, 2025

A happy new Year plus scoring some books!

A belately happy and healthy New Years wish from the Alde Garde (Peter and Jan). 
We hope that you enjoy your wargames, paint succesfully all the figures of your lead mountain and score some cheap books, figures and other models during the coming year.

And for those who missed the resurected Crisis in 2024; Crisis is back  in 2025 and will take place on November 1st 2025 in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium; the same venue as in 2024. 

Just great and hope to see you there!

And to start with scoring some cheap books: there is every year in January a nice book auction nearby where sometimes you can buy historical books very cheaply (if you are lucky and on time!).

This year Jan bought some 4 books for 8 Euro in total (see picture underneath); all in Dutch but nice additions to his library.

Left upper corner: D'Artagnan at the siege of Maastricht in 1673 where he met his death.
Upper right about the battle of Bouvines.
Lower left about the history of the Dutch field artillery (titled: Vuur in beweging or "Fire in Movement"; sadly mostly about the 20th century and lower right a book about the Battle of Lafelt 1747. 
Now finding the time to read!

Autumn session of the Dutch Society for Model figures

Totaly forgot to put some pictures of the Autumn session on the blog, so here it goes.

The Dutch Society for model Figures (Nederlandse Stichting voor Modelfiguren) has two times a year a meeting for members and they try to keep it in model/historical related locations but mostly in museums.

This autumn meeting was held in the Museum of the Corps National Reserve of the Dutch army (in Dutch: KorpsNationale Reserve). The Nationale Reserve consists of about 3.000 volunteers who guard and secure objects on Dutch territory. The members fulfill their military functions besides their normal, civil, jobs.

Although small, their museum is very nice with various objects about their history, uniforms and functions. 

As Alde Garde we took with us a 28mm game situated in the first part of the 80 years war. Rules used were Pikemans Lament.

Some pictures of museum and game; starting with the museum and after that about our game.