Sunday, October 7, 2012


Well, one way or the other,as you have noticed, blogging has been lagging behind. Hopefully we will pick up the pace as autumn and winter time gives longer evenings to type some inormation about the things we do. And also problems with the computer is hopefully solved so our website will be updated.

So some backlog of information.

Salute was great, seeing a lot of beautiful games and talking to other members of the wargames community is always rewarding. So thanks to the organisers.
As a lot of pictures have published since that time, just only one of the table we (and with us as lot of other wargames) liked the most, it was of course the 25mm Peninsular table; absolutely stunning.

We had our 1690 demo at FIGZ.
FIGZ was held in another (and in our opinion good) venue then last year but there were only a few visitors which is a shame.
Don't know exactly what the cause of that was (another wargames show reasonably closeby is probably one of them) but I think the organisers will to think what to do for next year.  They did a good job but a show simply need enough visitors to continue.

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