Saturday, February 15, 2025

A WW2 Battle: Operation Veritable 1945

 We were invited to take part in a WW2 battle with in total some 10 participants and organised by Ludwig van Dijk, using 20mm figures/tanks and Rapid Fire rules.

The object of the game was the "Operation Veritable 1945" and it was a 2 days exercise.
Ludwig made all the splendid terrain and provided, together with some others, all the neccessary equipment (figures and tanks). 

It were 2 great days of gaming and although both of us didn't know the rules (well, we read them various times!) but we were chapperoned by more experienced games: big thanks to them!   

Some pictures underneath but Ludwig has more on the facebook site
 Friends who like Rapid Fire WW2 Wargame Rules 

As said, two great days of gaming, a lot of laughter, meeting new (and some known) gamers and a ot of thanks to Ludwig for the organisation.
When is the next time?


Anonymous said...

Very nice. These big games take a lot of organization. How many figures were used and what was the result?

Alde Garde said...

Thats right; Ludwig did a great job in organising the event. The result was that the Germans had to withdraw and/or retreat; the power of the allies was just too great. I don't know how much figures were involved but a couple of divisions (Rapid Fire rulewise) were on the table