Monday, June 6, 2022

Testing old rules

Well, the last post was about testing the rules "Shadow of the Eagles" which in fact we liked a lot. After our testgame we talked a lot about these rules and the rules we used before namely "Over the hills". 
As we weren't decided we took the former scenario and played again with "Over the hills".

We discussed the plus and minusses of both rules and the outcome was that we think the "Over the hills" rules feel more Napoleonic then the easier "Shadow of the Eagles". It is very difficult to  precisely say what tipped us over but we both agreed that we will use over the hills for future games.

Maybe SotE will become handy with a demo with a lot of units; who knows. And of course, these are certainly no bad rules, just the opposite! But in making them so easy we thought both that it lost a little bit too much of Napoleonic flavour. But that is just our humble opinion. 

So please, make your own judgement, ordr and use the rules and le us know.

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